Legia Warsaw strike deal to become NFT pioneers in European football – Euronews - Nft Millions


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Legia Warsaw strike deal to become NFT pioneers in European football – Euronews

Legia Warsaw, the most successful club in Polish football history, has joined the NFT revolution.

The landmark deal signed with Capital Block will see Europe’s first football/NFT strategy and enable them to deliver NFTs of the club’s key moments to fans.

Capital Block’s remit will be centred around helping the current Polish league champions and its fans better engage with each other. The agency will be responsible for identifying, creating, and building a clear NFT strategy; identifying assets that can be created as NFT; growing Legia Warsaw’s NFT community; and most importantly, helping increase fan understanding of NFTs.

“For us, it is once again a pioneering step in our commercial development and as we explore and commit to new areas of modern business,” says Paweł Kokosza, Legia Warsaw’s Commercial Director.

What are NFTs?

NFTs are a unique digital asset that can be purchased, sold and collected – this can include images and videos, and much more.

The blockchain technology has been utilised in many industries in recent years including the wine,gambling, and visual art sectors.

With a record sale of artist Beeple last year the profile of NFTs was raised and increasingly celebrities are getting in on the act with Quentin Tarantino, Grimes and William Shatner all launching their own NFT products,

It is hoped that when it comes to sports, NFTs will allow fans to get closer to their favourite clubs, providing a brand-new way for players and stars to engage with their fans.

“Legia has recognised the need for a long-term, well thought-out NFT strategy to build an engaged community of passionate football fans,” says CEO Tim Magnall.

Capital Block, who will also assume sponsorship of Legia Warsaw, says that the NFT market remains largely untapped by football clubs. The company says that this is because teams struggle to understand the NFT landscape and don’t know how to make NFTs relevant to fans.

“We’ll now get working on NFTs that mark and represent some of the most iconic players and moments in the club’s history, as well as ensuring that Legia NFTs have utility to its fans – that these NFTs help them get closer to their club,” says Magnall.

“This should be a watershed moment in European football.”

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