RSVP Now, For Black Tech Revolution!: Rise Of The NFT Creators – Harlem World Magazine - Nft Millions

Thursday, February 17, 2022

RSVP Now, For Black Tech Revolution!: Rise Of The NFT Creators – Harlem World Magazine

Black-Tech-Revolution-641Join a Black History Month Discussion as we explore some of today’s emerging Black tech and NFT creators, bridging art, culture, and technology. Learn how they are building the future of virtual worlds and digital art marketplaces.

We will discuss the history and the fundamentals of Blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and the explosion of NFTs.

This two-part discussion will introduce emerging creators and innovators in the NFT space as they share insights on collecting, trading, and selling NFTs.


We will also present the Harlemrenz NFT project honoring the Black historical greats of the Harlem Renaissance.

Learn how NFT inspired art can illuminate the stories of the Harlem Renaissance greats to a new generation of creators and enthusiasts.



#blockchain #tokens #tokenization #nft #nfts #digital_art #digital_assets #digital_collectibles #opensea #harlemrenz #avatars #metaverse #web3 #nftnative #HarlemNYC

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