BetaMars Strategy of Highest Quality —— How can Miners Gain Free Land NFT – Crypto Mode - Nft Millions


Monday, March 7, 2022

BetaMars Strategy of Highest Quality —— How can Miners Gain Free Land NFT – Crypto Mode

Miner is another important role beside Lord. Players can enter the game as a Miner by burning the Ticket NFT, as well as earning BetaMars project token EP and 1.0 sub-token Revo. Different from the Lords, Miner is the only Revo producers, who plays an indispensable role in game though not owning a Land NFT. How to make strategy to arn a stable income in Lord’s Land NFT? How to gain free Land NFT with a beginning of only a Ticket NFT? This article will answer you!

Miners’ advantage — The only producers of Revo

The biggest advantage of Miners is that they are the only producers of Revo in BetaMars 1.0. According to BetaMars whitepaper, Lords are in the driving seat of in-land EP distribution in the Exploitation mechanism. They can set an Exploitation value to decide the proportion of Land NFT revenue shared with Miners. The Exploitation Value is inversely proportional to the EP income obtained by the Miner, and positively proportional to the Revo gained by the Miner.

It should be noted that Revo is closely related to both Lords and Miners’ revenue in BetaMars 1.0. Every day, (10+N)% of the tax will be collected by BetaMars from the total Land NFT revenue. A 40% of the tax dividends will be rewarded to Lords who burn Revo in the Tax Pool. When the Great Revolution outbreaks, all the tax will be shared by players who have staking Revo in the Rage pool!

As Revo cannot be directly gained by Lords from the Land NFT, Lords have to buy Revo from Miners in the secondary market in order to obtain tax dividends. From the aspect of Miner, a good management of Revo will contribute to their priotities in the BetaMars 1.0, largely increasing its own revenue!

How do Miners multiply revenues?

Basically, there are two ways for Miners to multiply revenues, they are:

1. Accumulating EP to buy more Ticket NFT to mine

According to BetaMars official that after the game is launched, the Ticket NFT will open EP minting and close USDT minting. That means Miners can buy more Ticket NFT with EP accumulated by staking Revo for Tax dividends when the Great Revolution breaks out or selling Revo in the secondary market. The more Ticket NFT you have, the more mining revenue they generate. Please note that each address can only link to one Ticket NFT, and players should prepare enough addresses.

2. Accumulating Revo to stake or sell at the right time

If you are familiar with BetaMars, you will find that although Revo is unlimited issued, it will be consumed greatly in some stages, and the external circulation of Revo at different stages will show different deflationary states.

For instance, after the outbreak of the Great Revolution, the Revo staked in the Rage Pool will be destroyed, and the market circulation of Revo will be greatly reduced. Due to the important role of Revo in increasing solidity of Land NFT and the lord’s acquisition of daily Tax dividends, there will be a rapid rise in Revo’s value in the secondary market.

Therefore, it is extremely important to accumulate Revo and find a better time to sell it.

There are several time nodes to refer to below.

In the early stage of the project’s launch – the circulation of Revo in the early market is very small

Sold before the Great Revolution – Lords and Miners need to stake Revo to get Tax dividends

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